What does translation consist of?
The basic principle of translation consists of changing from one language (the source language) to another language (the target language), while retaining the same meaning and incorporating the nuances of the original text. Where necessary, the cultural background of the first language should be adapted to conform with the target language.
First of all, Hong Kong Translation's project management team read through the original document before passing it to a translator, so as to pinpoint any queries they may have about the translation (terminology, method to be used, etc.) in order to avoid any last minute problems. Very close contact is kept with both the customer and the translator during the translation process. This is necessary for us to be certain that the translation delivered is in accordance with Hong Kong Translation's high standards.
Project Management
When Hong Kong Translation receive a document from our customer we check the original document so as to find the technical or scientific field concerned and we pass it then to a translator who specializes in that field, who is able to deliver a translation faithful to the original text both from the terminological and from the linguistic point of view.
Our Translation Team

Hong Kong Translation has an approved team of specialized translators who have been working with us for several years. All of Hong Kong Translation's translators only translate into their native language and we only use them for work which falls within the confines of their specialised knowledge, where we are certain that they are fully conversant with the field involved. These two factors (the target language and the specialization field) are the most important items to enable us to select the right translator. Our translators often have work experience in the field concerned.
For larger projects, Hong Kong Translation set up a translation team who then work closely with our management to ensure that the translation provided is consistent as regards to terminology, page lay-out, titles, style, etc. These translators are supervised by a Project Manager. In addition, translation memory software can give great assistance in achieving consistent vocabulary. All the necessary translation memories are kept up to date and are passed to translators throughout the project, on a confidential basis.
Technical and Scientific Translation
A good translator has to be able to keep up with the latest developments in his or her specialized field by careful reading of technical and professional journals. Our Hong Kong Translation translators take care to increase their knowledge and follow the latest trends in the industrial, technical and scientific worlds so as to be able to produce translations, which are up-to-the-minute, containing the latest technical terminology.
Glossaries provided for each customer
Some companies use their own in-house technical or professional vocabulary, so in that case we set up special language glossaries for each customer, to ensure that the same terms are used in future translations. Where ever possible Hong Kong Translation always use the same translator for the same customer. Some of our translators specialize in only a few specific technological or scientific fields - usually because they themselves have gained working experience in that particular industry or scientifiic field.
Translators with the correct experience
Using qualified people who have experience in mechanical, hydraulic, electronic, electrical or chemical engineering ensures that our technical translations are completely acceptable to the customer. Translators who have had first-hand experience in particular scientific fields are also some of our most welcome recruits.
Translators who are qualified in accountancy, finance and the law are also welcomed into our fold. Financial translation, legal translation and accountancy translation are some of our specialities.
There is a close connection between translation and proofreading. In addition to proofreading our own translations (which is included in the price of the translation), Hong Kong Translation also offers a proofreading service for documents which have been translated elsewhere. This service is carried out separately from our translation service and it is invoiced by the word or by the hour. Please contact us for a detailed quotation.
Sworn Translation
In many countries, sworn or certified translation is required for official formalities. Hong Kong Translation is often able to provide such sworn/certified translations to private individuals and to companies. Please contact us for a quotation.
Website Translation and Localization
Hong Kong Translation deals with the translation and the localization of websites. It does not only translate your website into the language you require, it also changes certain aspects of the translated text to make sure that a person reading the translated website in the country concerned feels that he or she is at home with the language and with the nuances local to that country.
Subtitling and Transcription service
Hong Kong Translation offers a subtitling and transcription service. Please contact us for details.